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SEO Preparation for 2013: Build Up Your Author Rank

22:49 |

The first week in December marks the need to get ready for the New Year. Whether your business slows down or speeds up during the holidays, the New Year is coming and people are expecting bigger and better things from their favorite businesses. If the consumers weren’t enough to get you thinking about 2013, think about your competition. Most companies will look back at the last year, analyze their mistakes and their successes, and create an improved strategy. It’s important your company do the same.

One of the things that will be important this upcoming year will be author rank. For those who are unfamiliar, author rank is a way for Google to rank the quality of particular authors. This only helps increase relevancy for users, so it’s quite clear that Google will put a larger emphasis on Author Rank in 2013. So how to begin to build an Author Rank? It’s easy, and you may already have started without even realizing it.
How to Begin Building an Author Rank
Building an Author Rank doesn't have to be difficult, but it is a task that takes time and is something you have to understand before you can really get going. Below are a few different ways you can begin to build your author rank:
  • Google Authorship Markup. This is probably the most important thing an author can do to help gain a good ranking and gain more exposure. Authorship markup is a way for you to connect you writing with your Google+ profile. All you need to do is: Set your Google+ posts to public à Go to “Contributor To” under the “About” section of your profile à link your sites by adding them to this section, and you’re finished! Eventually the results for your content will look like this on a Google SERP:
  • Google+ Sharing. Google is going to take into account how active you are on Google+ because this helps improve the popularity of your content. This means that you should always share all of your content and include every site you contribute to in your “contributor to” section. I myself have been slacking in this department, but 2013 is certainly the year to make it happen. Also make sure that you’re actively looking to connect with those in your industry and using Google ripples to get your content shared.
  • Google+ Connection. If Google understands your connections it will help them improve the relevancy of your Google results. This makes it incredibly important that you’re not only adding people to your circles, but that others are doing the same to you.  The New Year will be all about connections and what you decided was relevant to you, so getting started now is vital!
  • Google+ Activity. Not only do you want to share your own content, but you will want to share the content of others. Make sure you’re always out +1ing content you like and commenting on your connections. This will show Google that you’re actually social and helping your connections.
  • Other Networks. Although Author Rank relies heavily (very heavily) on Google+, having a presence on other social networks is still important. Your Author Rank should encompass everything about the author and all of his/her interactions, and Facebook and Twitter are a part of that.
  • Great Content. Although obvious, it never hurts to mention the importance of great content. If you want a good Author Rank, you’re going to need people helping you, and that simply won’t happen if you’re not creating meaningful content for your readers.
If you own a website or a company website and you’re not the primary writer, it is still important the those who do write content on your website begin to build up his/her author rank. This is great for the author, but it also helps this content to show up at the top of a Google search. It’s essentially a win-win.

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How to remove Face book Fake likes?

13:00 |

Been buying Facebook Likes to make your page seem, well, more likable? Know a site that has? Facebook doesn’t like that, and now it’s taking steps to remove those it deems fake.
Writing today on the Facebook blog, the company said the change is likely to impact less than 1% of the Likes for any particular page and will aim to remove Likes such as those generated by malware, “deceived” users or purchases.
From the post:

We have recently increased our automated efforts to remove Likes on Pages that may have been gained by means that violate our Facebook Terms.
On average, less than 1% of Likes on any given Page will be removed, providing they and their affiliates have been abiding by our terms.
These newly improved automated efforts will remove those Likes gained by malware, compromised accounts, deceived users, or purchased bulk Likes.
Of course, some sites that have depended on fake Likes will likely see much more than 1% of their Likes take a hit.
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Majestic SEO Launches Keyword Checker ( InAnchor InTitle InURL )

22:41 |

Today we are really excited to add a new twist to our offering in the form of a Keyword Checker and bulk Keyword Checker.

From today you can type a keyword into our home page instead of a web URL and start to see how many web pages use the phrase in the Anchor Text or in the title of a URL or a domain. These are commands that were once available in some search engines, but the functionality was taken away. We assume it was deemed to valuable for the general SEO public to have.We have also created a bulk keyword checker tool, designed to let you add hundreds of keywords into a list and see these metrics or export them as a CSV file.

Why is this useful?

You now have the ability to see how competitive key phrases are in ORGANIC search. Until now, SEOs have had to rely largely on Google’s paid search keyword tool bench-marked against its expected cost to rank in Adwords to make assessments as to how competitive a phrase is. However – there is a marked difference between the nature of organic and paid results and how you succeed in search partly depends on knowing how to blend the channels.In its raw form, this is a great new research tool which we hope users will delve into. What is more important to people according to the “Big Data” map that is the web? “airline tickets”, “flight tickets” or “plane flights”? Well now you can find out in a trice.

Our bulk keyword checker tool
You can always test out the “good stuff” over on the live keyword checker tool, but you can cut and paste hundreds of keywords in at a time. The actual number depends on your subscription level – with silver users (£29/€39/$49/mth) currently getting 150 phrases at a time. The results are currently shown as two sets of counts: Phrase match and Broad match.

                                       Keywords Checker results are available in a flash

Can I see the ACTUAL domains that use these?

Not right now – but we are constantly developing. Ever since in:url, in:title and in:anchor was stripped from advanced search engine commands, this feature has been unavailable to most users. We are reincarnating the features, but rebirth isn’t instant. We hope you will find value in this new feature and would love to especially see posts about how you might blend this data with PPC data to work out whether to focus on PPC or Organic for any given phrase.

Did we develop anything else while we were at it?

Wow – you guys are DEMANDING. OK – we sussed out how much people searched for most of these phrases and created a “Volume Score” which is a 1-100 scale for each phrase showing how often we believe it is searched for. A high number means a very highly searched phrase. We have embedded these numbers into the reports as well, so that when you analyse the phrases, you can make judgements in balancing search volumes with organic ranking challenges.

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Official Google Panda Update Version 3.8 On June 25th

22:18 |

Google has announced they pushed out a new refresh to the Panda algorithm recently.This update “noticeably affects only ~1% of queries worldwide,” said Google on Twitter.
There were earlier rumors of an update over the weekend but Google said the rollout started today and not over the weekend.
The previous Panda update was on June 8th and before that on April 26th. Typically, Google pushes out algorithm updates for Panda and Penguin every month or so. While the last Panda update was just over 2 weeks ago, Google felt they wanted to push out a new refresh.

Heads up: we're pushing a new Panda data refresh that noticeably affects only ~1% of queries worldwide. More context:
Google said there were no updates to the algorithm or changes in the signals. This was simply a basic data refresh where they ran the algorithm again.
For more on Panda update, see our Panda update category.
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Google Panda for SEO Folks that Aren’t Bears (Infographic)

23:02 |

Over the past year, Google has been using a cuddly toy to wipe out what it sees as spammy content, taking down some pretty big players in the process. It made a lot of people nervous – so I thought I’d share this infographic that does a good job of breaking down it’s history and how you should go about making your site Panda proof…

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How Do Recover A Site From Google Penguin Update | Tips For Recover A Site From Google Penguin Update

06:09 |

Google has recently updated A new Algorithm to dig over out horrific websites from the good quality and many website owners now find that their websites have totally vanished from the search results. The first major update to Google’s algorithm was the Panda update. It was intended to find and remove websites that were perceptibly using spamming tactics to rank high in search results. Now the Penguin update has wreaked disaster for many websites.
Penguin hit EMD (Exact Matching Domain)
This time EMD’s [Exact Match Domain] has got hit i.e. most of the domain containing exact keywords have got penalty. Most probable reason of penalty is link building structures these websites are using. Since this website contains main keyword with their domain name, hence link building is done with same anchor text.
In 2012 Google  has got many algo updates for search engines.
We have seen over optimization or web spam algorithm update later which was named as Penguin. (Later on its update came with name Penguin 1.1).Just before it we have seen various Panda update like Panda update 3.2, Panda update 3.3, Panda update 3.4, Panda update 3.5 & Panda update 3.6)
Private Blog Networks got banned.
Many Low quality Article sites were banned.
Many websites with exact match anchor text got penalized.
We have got Knowledge graph.
Google Places pages were replaced by Google+ Local Pages.
Basic of Google Penguin Algorithm
Penguin is an algorithm (just like Google Panda) introduced by Google to fight spammy websites for better SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) and user experience. This algorithm basically fight against spammy activities like Keyword stuffing, Cloaking and link SPAM. And, encourages webmasters to follow the Google’s quality guidelines .
Google will continue to update the Penguin algorithm version, every few months, to continue the fight against SPAM.
How to Know – You are Hit by Penguin

The simplest yet proven method is – Open your Google Analytics and  “ monitor your organic visitors from Google ”.
If the number of visitors dropped at least 33% just after an update, then you are most probably hit by the Penguin. You should also consider about Google Dance, before the final decision.
In precision, there are many websites that should have been removed. The websites that were hardest hit are the ones that use spam and other technique to try to get a better search position. Not all sites exaggerated by Penguin engaged in spam. In fact, one of the main reasons to get hit by Google is using bad linking practices. So how can people recover from the latest Google shakeup? Let’s look at some strategies for recovery.
Most websites are not so much guilty of spamming their links to thousands of websites, as they are of indulging in bad linking practices. If you have used link networks, used sponsored WordPress themes, or reciprocal linking that is of poor quality, your website may have been hit by the Penguin update. According to Google’s Matt Cutts, “It is possible to clean things up.” If your site has been hit by Penguin (you will know this because your traffic has dropped since the April 24 Penguin update), there are quite a few things you can do to bring your website back up in the search results.
Tips For Recover A Site From Google Penguin Update
1. Remove any on-page spam on your website. Examples of on-page spam include due to excess of keywords, such as buy or used cars, in order to rank better in search results. Poor quality and spun content that is stuffed with keywords, but offers the visitor no value otherwise, should be removed and replaced with high quality content that is relevant to the website.
2. If you know that you have bad links, clean them up as best you can. Simply enter your website URL into Google search and see what kind of links come up. Examples of links that can be removed include forum profile links. This is, of course, only possible if you have the login information so you can erase the links in the profiles.
3. There is supposed to be a further Penguin update. Website owners are advised to wait until the next update to see if their website recovers. In the meantime, stop all excessive linking practices. It may be a good idea to opt out of link networks for the time being, since these are being hit especially hard.
4. There is also news that some WordPress plugins are inserting hidden links. This may have caused a penalty. Try removing WordPress plugins to see if this makes a difference. If your website does not recover after a few months, it may be necessary to start completely from scratch with a new website. Sometimes it is best to cut your losses and start again.
5. If you feel you are innocent of spamming but have been hit anyway, there is a form that can be filled out on the Google website that allows you to explain your case.
8 Best Recovery Tips 
1. Keyword stuffing: Make a site-wide audit for keyword stuffing. Check for high ranking pages, who have suffered more on SERPs.
How to do: Check for the total number of words on a particular post or page from your Admin Panel. Then, check the number of times a particular keyword repeated on that page by using the simple ‘ find ’ feature in your browser (Edit –> Find or Ctl + F). If the keyword density is more than 2%, simply restructure the article or page with the gist intact. You may consider to update the article with latest info also.
2. Cloaking: If you are practicing any Cloaking or Doorway pages, then stop it immediately.
3. Paid links: If you have purchased any type of backlinks, either from a link farm or from an individual, contact by an Email or telephone and make a request to remove the links as soon as possible.
4. Spammy outbound links: Also known as ‘ Bad Neighborhood ’. If you have given links to any spammy websites, withdraw it immediately.
Check the overall health of the site, to whom you have given the backlinks using 2 simple methods.
(a) Is the site hit by Penguin? (Compete Traffic Stats ) Not so reliable, as Compete updates site status very infrequently and show stats of only US traffic. Still you can use it for assessment.
(b) Search the site for any penalty by Google. Simply type site: Domain name in the Google search. If  no links found or only HOME page is found, then the site is definitely penalized by Google for not following the Google Webmaster Guidelines.
If you think, the site is authoritative and not hit by Penguin, you shouldn’t remove the backlink.
5. Spammy inbound links (-Ve SEO): Check your site-wide backlinks status. Sometimes spammy sites deliberately links good sites with ill intention or with a request from competitor site (paid). This is called -Ve SEO.
But, sometimes your good backlinks turn bad/spammy, because the sites giving links practice black or grey hat seo in the course of time.
Both types of links are unpaid. And, due to the unpaid nature, you have either limited or no control over it/webmasters. You can send Email requests with legal consequences to the concerned webmasters. But don’t expect a quick response or quick result.
Google never penalizes sites for Unpaid-Backlinks with -Ve SEO. In fact, Google excludes the link juice, if any, from spammy unpaid-links during Penguin updates.
So, you shouldn’t worry much about your spammy unpaid-links.
6. Avoid exact anchor text backlinks: Although you have acquired few good exact anchor text backlinks by guest blogging or  paid editorials, Google thinks this is grey hat seo under Penguin updates. Instead of exact anchor text, you should go for long tail or descriptive anchor texts.
7. Avoid directory submission with sole purpose of SEO gain: Google likes paid directory submission, like Yahoo Blog Directory . Because this is paid listing without any guarantee of inclusion of you site, Google thinks it’s transparent and not for the sole purpose of SEO gain/link juice gain.
You may consider listing your blog on few select blog directories like Technorati  for wider exposure only.
8. Unlearn SEO: It’s high time to unlearn SEO a bit to be immuned from Penguin algorithm updates. This is appropriate to newbie bloggers and SEO practitioners who are a bit aggressive while practicing SEO.
Good contents make a great blog, and great blogs make a beautiful web. So, lets make our world-wide-web more beautiful by creating great contents for web-surfers/visitors.
Now the article is open for questions about Google Penguin Updates and various Recovery Tips.

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Life After the Penguin Update

05:43 |

Google’s most recent update was launched to combat the apparent over-optimisation of websites.
Over-optimisation is something of a misnomer, really – the Penguin update really sought to punish sites with ‘unnatural’ link profiles, or ‘keyword stuffed’ content.
The update caused considerable upset in the world of SEO and internet marketing – mainly because sites using genuine, ethical SEO tactics were among those penalised, presumably accidentally, by Penguin.
Several very well-known and respected organic sites that had not suffered problems with previous updates found their rankings were damaged.
Google claims that only 3% of websites have been hit by Penguin, but the buzz through the online community suggests considerably more have been affected.
Suffice to say that these good-quality sites unfairly losing their ranking has caused something of an uproar, which Google has acknowledged to an extent, by implying that there are still ‘spammy’ sites sitting high in the rankings, while some honest sites have been inadvertently targeted.
What can be done about affected sites?
Google has stressed that equilibrium should be restored in due course, but in the meantime site owners and webmasters have the opportunity to state their case via a form if they feel they have been wrongly targeted. Alternatively, black-hat sites that have not disappeared from the search engines can be reported.
In addition, there is the option to submit a reconsideration request to Google in order for the situation to be reassessed. Google deals with all claims on an individual basis. Any webmaster who is unsure about his position on Google following the update would be wise to find out if it has directly affected him.
There are two ways to go about doing this: first, most of the sites likely to be affected would have been sent a warning message by Google about the quality of their links, via Webmaster Tools, during January and February 2012. Second, those who use tracking for their keywords in Google Analytics need to check if there has been any fluctuation in their organic search traffic, a downward trend would suggest that there has been an effect.
Up until now, things still do not appear to have reached anything like equilibrium, the aftershock of the algorithm continues, and the saga is on-going. Google has made no further announcements regarding Penguin, bar a ‘refresh’, dubbed Penguin 1.1, last week.
The internet marketing world can only watch and wait to see if things begin to level out.
In the meantime, there are still two very spammy sites returning on the first page of an “Internet marketing” organic search, mocking us.

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Off Page Optimization

21:49 |

Directory Submission

Directory Submission is very important step which we submit our site to different directories anc our site can be listed onto different business directories. The benefit is first we get traffic from the website and second we get a back link for our website from that directory.

Article Submission

In Article Submission we write a 500+ words article and submit it to different article directories and normally the traffic and ranking of these articles sites is very high so the visitors who are visiting those articles directories will read our article then they will definitely visit our site so the traffic of site increased and also we get back links from the article.

Link Building

Link Building is very important step which we use in SEO. In Link building we build inbound links for the website using link exchange and various other methods.
Forum Postings

In forum Postings we search specific and relevant forums and post threads there on forums so we get good traffic from forums and also get back links from there.

Blog Postings

In Blog Postings we get fresh content and make postings on different blogs to attract traffic and also for backlinks.

Social Media Optimization

In Social Media Optimization we use various sites like twitter, facebook linkedin, myspace, orkut to generate huge amount of traffic on the website.So there are lot of things involved the the SEO Process Please go through our SEO Packages and Sign Up for our SEO Services using Pay Now Button on same page.

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On Page Optimization

21:20 |

Identify   Defining Keywords

Your industry would be researched and a brainstorming session will be undertaken to arrive at a best set of key phrases pertaining to your business interest. This allows our team to come up with best possible "outcome-based" key phrases for deriving optimal results through this program.
Meta Tags

Developing Meta tags is one of the most important task in the SEO process. Based on the ongoing analysis and keywords our SEOs shall form an optimal class of meta tags combining <title>, considered to be the most important tag as far as search engine ranking is concerned, <description> and <keyword>.
Competitor's Analysis
Competitor's Analysis is process of making a complete research on your compititors, we first make a complete list of our main competitors and observe and analysis their site completely by visiting those sites and try to get various techniques used by them. This will help in preparing a strategy to attain top positioning in search engines and maximize its performance and gain business.
Content Analysis
In this step we review content of your website(especially pages that you want to optimize). we ensure that content that we will change should be search engine friendly and always should have its original meaning.
HTML Code Refining
HTML Code cleansing is process of analyzing and reviewing code for all web pages and fix all errors at the same time. during this process we will remove all unwanted codes and include some necessary code according requirement. we will manually modify all codes that are automatically created at the time of designign and are useless.
Image Optimization (Alt Tags)
Image Optimization is most important step in ON Page optimization but many one neglect this step in the process of website optimization. From search engine perspective, downloading time is a factor which is now considered in their ranking algorithms. our expert search engine optimizers will optimize all images on your site to reduce its site retaining its quality and resolution so that page can load quickly and images could be optimized according search engines.
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What is Seo and Its Scope In India?

15:31 |

This time i'm not progressing to post websites or tools that are associated with Search engine optimization method. nowadays i'm progressing to purpose my views on "What is Search Engine Optimization" and Its scope in India.

If you're reading this post which means you recognize the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search engine optimization is that the method of obtaining up an internet site within the search results with its relevant queries. for instance if we tend to look for "Black shoes" in Google then Google show us scores of webpage, among them solely 10 websites are shown on initial page of Google whereas others are shown on inner pages. This all because of the indexing system of search engines. every search engine show the results from its indexing database. If an internet site is exist then it'll be show in its search results otherwise not. ask site: operator to understand is your web site indexed or not? If it show the results which means you're indexed otherwise not. 

It is the fundamental operating plan of search engines. Search engine optimization is that the method of facilitate an internet site to induce up in search results. If your web site is indexing at high level within the database of search engines then it'll be show in high search results.

The main factor is, the way to getup a web site at high level in indexing of search engine? this can be an extended and really exhausting operating method to achieve a high position in search engine results. a groundwork engine like Goolge use the two hundred signals whereas showing results for search queries. the most points for that it's are Page vary, Backlinks, Contents, Meta tags etc. it's the fundamental plan of a groundwork engine operating. continuously bear in mind one factor whereas optimizing {a web site|an internet site|a web site} that you simply are operating for search engines to create your website a lot of friendly with its algorithms. .
Let come back on the purpose of Scope of Seo in India. If we tend to check the statics of previous few years then we tend to see that SEO growing terribly rapidly. Lets provides a look on America looking stores. there's nearly stores are on-line and an individual got to obtain biscuit, he/she search it on-line and order from there. an equivalent trend is coming back in India with high speed, In previous few years Indian on-line stores are opened and running successfully. As a result the necessity of Search engine optimizer's increase to doing selling for them. recently several massive organizations like HCL etc additionally began to offer the SEO Services.
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