On Page Optimization

21:20 |

Identify   Defining Keywords

Your industry would be researched and a brainstorming session will be undertaken to arrive at a best set of key phrases pertaining to your business interest. This allows our team to come up with best possible "outcome-based" key phrases for deriving optimal results through this program.
Meta Tags

Developing Meta tags is one of the most important task in the SEO process. Based on the ongoing analysis and keywords our SEOs shall form an optimal class of meta tags combining <title>, considered to be the most important tag as far as search engine ranking is concerned, <description> and <keyword>.
Competitor's Analysis
Competitor's Analysis is process of making a complete research on your compititors, we first make a complete list of our main competitors and observe and analysis their site completely by visiting those sites and try to get various techniques used by them. This will help in preparing a strategy to attain top positioning in search engines and maximize its performance and gain business.
Content Analysis
In this step we review content of your website(especially pages that you want to optimize). we ensure that content that we will change should be search engine friendly and always should have its original meaning.
HTML Code Refining
HTML Code cleansing is process of analyzing and reviewing code for all web pages and fix all errors at the same time. during this process we will remove all unwanted codes and include some necessary code according requirement. we will manually modify all codes that are automatically created at the time of designign and are useless.
Image Optimization (Alt Tags)
Image Optimization is most important step in ON Page optimization but many one neglect this step in the process of website optimization. From search engine perspective, downloading time is a factor which is now considered in their ranking algorithms. our expert search engine optimizers will optimize all images on your site to reduce its site retaining its quality and resolution so that page can load quickly and images could be optimized according search engines.


Unknown said...

Good post on On Page Optimization.thanks for sharing..
url directory submission

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